Erica Synths Pico BBD

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Erica Synths Pico BBD

Brand: Erica Synths

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £122.00 - £122.00 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

Fully analog bucket brigade delay module. The Erica Synths Pico BBD is beautiful sounding delay module featuring a premium grade 4092stage BBD chip. The Pico BBD Module vis one of the smallest BBDs on the market. You can generate everything from delay effects to flanging effects and anything inbetween....

Fully analog bucket brigade delay module. The Erica Synths Pico BBD is beautiful sounding delay module featuring a premium grade 4092stage BBD chip. The Pico BBD Module vis one of the smallest BBDs on the market. You can generate everything from delay effects to flanging effects and anything inbetween. When you push the CV settings of the Time and Feedback knobs the module can produce intense sonic artefacts. This can be used for experimenting with sound design. The Pico BBD delivers a clean and concise sound providing up to 300ms of delay time. CV control is available for the delay time and it features IO connectivity for use with external modules. You can also change the input level with the three position switch....Read More...»»

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  • Fully analog bucket brigade delay module. The Erica Synths Pico BBD is beautiful sounding delay module featuring a premium grade 4092stage BBD chip. The Pico BBD Module vis one of the smallest BBDs on the market. You can generate everything from delay effects to flanging effects and anything inbetween. When you push the CV settings of the Time and Feedback knobs the module can produce intense sonic artefacts. This can be used for experimenting with sound design. The Pico BBD delivers a clean and concise sound providing up to 300ms of delay time. CV control is available for the delay time and it features IO connectivity for use with external modules. You can also change the input level with the three position switch.....from Gear4Music
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